Good scoop on Economic Development below:
Business Video
Chamber of Commerce
City of Peoria
Civic Center
Convention and Visitors Bureau
DCEO State of Illinois
Economic Development Council
Heart of Illinois Regional Port District (TransPORT)
Heart of Peoria
Heart of Peoria Andres Duaney plan
Illinois Department of Commerce
Illinois Central College
Illinois Enterprise Zone
Illinois Work Net Illinois workNet
Businesses Pathway
Illinois River Road National Scenic Byway
Moss Bradley Homeowners
Peoria County
Peoria GIS
RiverFront Association
Turner Center
HIZ TIF Approved
Paducah Artist Relocation Program
Sheridan Road
Congratulations - Bashir Ali
Bobby Gray and I are attending the International Economic Development Council conference this week in Atlanta. Some excellent programs that will work in Peoria.
The Central Illinois Workforce Board Talent Force 21 has won the Human Capital Program award for their efforts in workforce training. Our congratulations to Bashir Ali and his staff.
The Central Illinois Workforce Board Talent Force 21 has won the Human Capital Program award for their efforts in workforce training. Our congratulations to Bashir Ali and his staff.
First Home Homebuyers
Peoria County and the City of Peoria participates in the Assist Program, a federally funded program that eases the financial burden for qualified first time homebuyers and persons who have not bought a home in the past three years. The Assist Program provides first time homebuyers up to 4.25% of the amount borrowed on the home purchase to be used for down payment and closing costs. Through the Assist Program, the 4.25% is a gift, not a loan.
To find out if you qualify contact one of these participating lenders:
Great new restaurant Plays in Peoria Downtown
HIZ TIF and BDD Public Hearings
Public Hearings are Scheduled on the proposed Hospitality Improvement Zone (HIZ), to include a:
Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) and a
Business Development District (BDD).
The Hearings will be held before the City Council on Tuesday 14 October 2008 after 6:15 pm.
There will be a second public hearing on the BDD on 28 October 2008 before the City Council after 6:15 pm.
Interested citizens are encouraged to send their comments and suggestions to me at
We will add comments received to the public record.
Tax Increment Financing District (TIF) and a
Business Development District (BDD).
The Hearings will be held before the City Council on Tuesday 14 October 2008 after 6:15 pm.
There will be a second public hearing on the BDD on 28 October 2008 before the City Council after 6:15 pm.
Interested citizens are encouraged to send their comments and suggestions to me at
We will add comments received to the public record.
More info at:
Hospitality Improvement
City Budget On Line
FY2009 Preliminary Budget
The City’s budget website has been updated to include the entire preliminary budget documents. The Mayor and City Council charged staff with creating a budget process that was more transparent, more open to public involvement and built more alignment with Council goals and priorities. For the first time in the City’s history, the preliminary is available for download by citizens, businesses and other interested parties.
Ground Breaking for the new Airport Terminal
Ground Breaking and Naming Ceremony
today at the newly named
General Wayne A. Downing
Peoria International Airport
Great New Company in Peoria - EcoThermics
Check out another great new Peoria start up Ecothermics
"EcoThermics has developed potentially game-changing technology."
Glen Barton
"EcoThermics has developed potentially game-changing technology."
Glen Barton
Vote on the new City of Peoria Logo

You can vote on the new logo for Peoria. Go to the link below to cast your vote. The image to the right is one of the choices.
Peoria NEXT Innovation Center
Construction Underway - Methodist Hospital
The Plan Below, Reality Above. A great addition to our City.
The Plan Below, Reality Above.
A great addition to our City.
New Medical Clinic on Main Street in Downtown
Assisted by Enterprise Zone and TIF
More info on
Federal Tax Credits for the Redevelopment of Older Buildings

The tax incentives have spurred the rehabilitation of historic structures of every period, size, style and type. They have been instrumental in preserving the historic places that give cities, towns and rural areas their special character. The tax incentives for preservation attract new private investment to the historic cores of cities and towns. They also generate jobs, enhance property values, and augment revenues for State and local governments through increased property, business and income taxes.
The Preservation Tax Incentives also help create moderate and low-income housing in historic buildings. Through this program, abandoned or under used schools, warehouses, factories, churches, retail stores, apartments, hotels, houses, and offices throughout the country have been restored to life in a manner that maintains their historic character.
Current tax incentives for preservation, established by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (PL 99-514; Internal Revenue Code Section 47 [formerly Section 48(g)]) include:
20% tax credit for the certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures.
a 10% tax credit for the rehabilitation of non-historic, non-residential buildings built before 1936.
For both credits, the rehabilitation must be a substantial one and must involve a depreciable building. You can read more about them at:
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This blog was created to Plan the Planet. It is a work in progress - please click here if you wish to propose changes or additions or ask q...
- cityofpeoria Peoria is looking for a few good developers http://marketresearchpeoria... about 10 hours ago ...
This artificial island is established in a detention pond. The plants will filter and improve water quality. The island is already providi...