The tax incentives have spurred the rehabilitation of historic structures of every period, size, style and type. They have been instrumental in preserving the historic places that give cities, towns and rural areas their special character. The tax incentives for preservation attract new private investment to the historic cores of cities and towns. They also generate jobs, enhance property values, and augment revenues for State and local governments through increased property, business and income taxes.
The Preservation Tax Incentives also help create moderate and low-income housing in historic buildings. Through this program, abandoned or under used schools, warehouses, factories, churches, retail stores, apartments, hotels, houses, and offices throughout the country have been restored to life in a manner that maintains their historic character.
Current tax incentives for preservation, established by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (PL 99-514; Internal Revenue Code Section 47 [formerly Section 48(g)]) include:
20% tax credit for the certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures.
a 10% tax credit for the rehabilitation of non-historic, non-residential buildings built before 1936.
For both credits, the rehabilitation must be a substantial one and must involve a depreciable building. You can read more about them at:
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