Historic Deficits by each President

Here is the history deficits by each president going back a ways.  \

President Barack Obama: Total Expected Plus Actual Deficits = 6.690 trillion, a 57 percent increase.
President George W. Bush: Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57 percent increase.
President George H.W. Bush: Total = $1.036 trillion, a 36 percent increase.
President Ronald Reagan: Total = $1.412 trillion, a 142 percent increase
President Jimmy Carter: Total = $253 billion, a 36 percent increase.
President Gerald Ford: Total = $181 billion, a 38 percent increase.
President Dwight Eisenhower: Total = $15 billion, a 6 percent increase.
President Harry Truman: Total = $5 billion, a 2 percent increase.
President Herbert Hoover: Total = $5 billion, a 30 percent increase.
President Calvin Coolidge: Total = $5 billion surplus, a 26 percent decrease.
President Warren G. Harding: Total = $1 billion surplus, a 6 percent decrease.
President Woodrow Wilson: Total = $22 billion, a 775 percent increase.

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