“Readings in Urban Planning and Design” by Pete Pointner FAICP, ALA, ITE

Hi Craig,

This is one of 5 marketing blurbs meant for friends and family. Thank you again!

The purpose of this email is to announce the new fifth edition of my free e-book, “Readings in Urban Planning and Design”. It is now a compendium of 60 papers with over 250 illustrations. Attached is a copy of the table of contents which identifies the new additions. My sincerest thanks to planner Craig Hullinger who helped me create and update the post.

This free e-book is available at readingsinurbanplanninganddesign.blogspot.com. It is a practical resource on environmentally based planning and context sensitive urban design for lay persons, students and younger professionals involved in planning, design and development decisions.

While many of these topics may not be of any practical value for you, you might know a young person interested in architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, public administration or urban planning and design who would find them of value. You may also know someone involved with a planning commission, zoning board or municipal council who would find these papers of interest and value. If so, please share. More information is available on my updated web site at www.petepointner.com.

I am available for pro-bono presentations on many planning and design topics for educational, professional and civic groups. See www.petepointner.com for additional information on the workshops and presentations.

With best regards,

Pete Pointner FAICP, ALA, ITE

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