
Disinformation is a Russian word. The Wikapedia graphic above illustrates how it works.

Russia sees the US as a competitor and adversary.  They give their version of events through the very slick government owned agencies rt.com/news  and sputniknews.com.

These two organizations publish a lot of legitimate news. But they also publish disinformation - Vladimir Putin's view of the world. They publish a lot of criticism of the United States - some of it fabricated. 

They amplify their views through the use of social media and on numerous comments made on chat pages.
Bloggers echo their views. Most of the bloggers are simply republishing their comments to gain viewers for their blogs. And readers forward their often outlandish views in emails and social media.

Wikileaks is closely allied with their views.

People who want to be well informed should not form their views simply from reading blogs and forwarded emails.  Double check what the blogs are saying with main street media.  Don't believe everything you read. Because you read it on the computer does not mean it is correct.

Disinformation is most effective when it agrees with your own bias. All the more reason to be careful and take everything with a grain of salt.

Disinformation (Russian: dezinformatsiya[1][2][3] and dezinformatsia[4]) is intentionally false or misleading information that is spread in a calculated way to deceive target audiences.[1][2][3] The English word, which did not appear in dictionaries until the late-1980s, is a translation of the Russian дезинформация, transliterated as dezinformatsiya.[1][2][3] Disinformation is different from misinformation, which is information that is unintentionally false.[5] Misinformation can be used to define disinformation — where disinformation is misinformation that is purposefully and intentionally disseminated in order to defraud.[6]


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