Corridors of the Future

Developing new transportation routes is incredibly difficult and expensive.  We normally reach the decision to go forward with a new major road after traffic becomes intolerable.  By then acquisition of the land is very expensive and difficult.

It makes sense to plan for and acquire the corridor of the future long before it is needed. In simple terms we need to project populations increases and assess the need. It would of course make sense to acquire the corridor long before it is needed, while land values are lower.  But developing a consensus on where the corridor should be located and when to acquire the corridor is very difficult.

Florida is working on long range corridor planning.  The links below show the progress to date.

Florida is of course developing very rapidly on both coasts.  It seems logical that new interstate routes should be developed inland from both coasts.

There is a good argument for combining the road corridor with public utility and environmental corridors.  So instead of acquiring a 300 feet wide corridor for the interstate, it may make sense to acquire a wider corridor. Uses of the corridor right of way would be used for the road, possible future transit routes, open space protection, trails and bikeways, flood control and wetland mitigation, and gas pipelines and electric utilities. 

Florida's Future Corridors

Florida Department of Transportation, FDOT, Florida Airport, Florida Bridges, FloridaInterstates, Florida Rail, Florida Rest Areas, Florida Seaports, Florida ...

[PDF]Florida's Future Transportation Corridors - Tampa Bay ...

Florida's Future. Transportation Corridors. August 11, 2014. Presentation to the Tampa Bay Regional Planning. Council ...

Florida revives plan for future highway corridors | News ...

Tampa Bay Times
Jun 24, 2012 - TALLAHASSEE — Florida is spending tens of thousands of dollars to help officials figure out where to put roads in the future.

Florida's Future Corridors Action Plan | 1000 Friends of Florida

Generating grave concern among smart growth advocates, on December 29, 2006, theFlorida Department of Transportation adopted Florida's Future Corridors ...

[PDF]Florida's Future Corridors

Feb 5, 2015 - Florida Department of Transportation. Today's Presentation. • Brief Overview - Florida's Future Corridors. • Tampa Bay – Central Florida Study ...

[PDF]Florida's Future Corridors Initiative - APA Florida

Florida's Future. Transportation Corridors. APA Florida Public Policy Workshop. Patricia M. Steed, Central Florida Regional Planning Council. Bob Romig ...

East Central Florida Corridor Task Force

The Future Corridors initiative is a cooperative effort between FDOT and statewide, regional, and local partners to envision and plan the future of Florida's major ...

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