Designed to cover some 435 sq miles, roughly the size of Singapore
"It is a project as ambitious as Egypt's ancient pyramids.
Built from scratch to escape Cairo's choking pollution, a planned new capital will feature an airport larger than London's Heathrow, a building taller than Paris's Eiffel Tower and more than 10,000 km (6,200 miles) of boulevards, avenues and streets.:
Mar 13, 2015
Egypt is set to unveil plans for a new administrative capital city during an economic investment conference ...www.reuters.com/.../us-egypt-cairo-idUSKBN0MF1B...
4 days ago
CAIRO (Reuters) - It is a project as ambitious as Egypt's ancient pyramids. Built from scratch to escape Cairo ...www.cnn.com/.../pkg-daftari-egypt-new-capital.cnn
5 days ago
The Egyptian city of Cairo has an historic past, but its days as the ...Egypt has announced plans to build and ...www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-31880748
Mar 13, 2015
Egypt's government has announced plans to build a newadministrative capital to the east of Cairo.www.upi.com/...News/...News/.../Egypt...new-capital...
Mar 14, 2015
CAIRO, March 14 (UPI) -- Egyptian leaders uncovered plans for anew capital city east of Cairo to ease ...www.boston.com/news/.../egypt...new-capital.../video....
Mar 13, 2015
Egypt's government has announced plans to build a newadministrative capital to the east of Cairo.edition.cnn.com/.../pkg-daftari-egypt-new-capital.cnn
Added on 1405 GMT (2205 HKT) March 18, 2015. Egypt has announced plans to build and develop a new ...www.reuters.com/.../can-egypt-afford-a-new-capital-ci...
4 days ago
A new capital city for Egypt - that's the ambitious plan designed to solve congestion in Cairo - one of the ...www.askmen.com/news/.../egypt-pitches-idea-for-new...
Mar 14, 2015
Considering how much Egypt likes to protest, I wouldn't expect them to just take a $45 billion investment in a ...www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7KdtShlwqA
Mar 13, 2015 - Uploaded by ahmed22922
The Capital Cairo - Egypt Economic Development Conference ....BBC News - Egypt plans to spend $45bn building newadministrative capital ...