Public Management Magazine

Dear Craig:
This month's cover story brings insights from the city manager of Gainesville, Florida, and the county manager of Alachua County, Florida, on how community and religious leaders, and local government officials, handled public safety threats and outrage caused by a church's hateful social media campaign.
The feature article on effective social service programs describes what managers can do to ensure that resources are invested in programs that work. Then, an assistant city manager assembles 10 "Lincoln laws" that are as relevant today as they were in 1860. Don't forget to check out the three exclusive PMplus articles: You get practical advice on developing an accurate capital budgeting plan, discover the benefits of getting accreditation for your building department, and get a great commentary that you could hand to your newly elected officials. Enjoy!

Cover Story

How the Worst Publicity Can Bring Out the Best in a Community


Investing in Effective Social Service Programs (Premium content)
Lincoln's Laws: 10 Lessons for Today's Local Government Executives (Premium content)

PM Readers' Poll

The PM Readers' Poll last month asked "Which "mega issue" do you think will have the most impact on local governments in the next 5 years?" Here's how PM Onlinereaders answered:
  • Resource challenges: 44%.
  • Employee pay and benefits challenges: 31%.
  • Strained relationships with state governments: 23%.
  • Demlographic changes: 2%.
  • New media and technology: 0%.
Thanks for participating in the poll! Respond to the new poll on the current issue's homepage, where we ask readers: "How prepared is your community for a public safety threat, like the international outrage caused by a church last year (see cover story)?"
PM Plus Online Extra
With Plans Like These. . . The Worthiness of a Facility Management Plan Is $pecial
Managers Confirm Building Department Accreditation Brings Community-wide Value
Commentary: Congratulations on Your Election to Local Office: Now, On Being Effective

March 2011

Premium Content articles are open to members/subscribers and require your password to access. If you don't remember your password, you can request it online. To stop getting this update from PM, unsubscribe.


Ethics Matter!
Building an Ethical Culture
On Point
What Are You Reading?
Tech Touch(Premium content)
Identify Zoning Violations Using Satellite Images
Retirement Strategies
Target-Date Funds Making Retirement Planning Easier
Your Replies
Commentary(Premium content)
The Three Dimensions of Public Management
A Flexible Approach to Communities
Solar Communities
Solar America Communities Partnership Promotes Increased Solar Adoption at the Local Level
Management Minute
Economic Development in Hard Times
Could a Mustache Save Christmas?
Interim Management... Filling a Gap
Short Story(Premium content)
Carpe Diem! Planning Strategically Helps Town Weather the Storm

Homeland Security
Just Published! Order Homeland Security: Best Practices for Local Government, 2nd edition, today!
You are receiving this update on PM magazine because are an ICMA member and receive PMmagazine as a member benefit. If you wish to discontinue receiving these monthly emails updating you on the current issue of PM, you may unsubscribe. This does not affect your access to PM online or the printed issues. You will still have access to PM online. If you receive the printed issues, you will continue to receive them.
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© International City/County Management Association

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