About the Authors

This blog provides some of the articles written by Charles Eckenstahler, Craig Hullinger, and Beth Ruyle.

Chuck Eckenstahler's News
Click on the links below:

Beth Ruyle's News

Are Smaller Cities Better Equipped for the Future?

Are smaller urban regions more nimble than big cities?  I agree with the author of the article below. If so, good news for Peoria. The Metro area has about 360,000 people, enough for most cultural and business needs, but small enough to ensure few traffic hassles.  Yet close enough to Chicago for all the things that a very large urban provides.

Read the full story: The Rise of the Efficient City


America's Heartland

Urbanophile on Another River City


See here the river city tradition as the Belle of Louisville steamboat fires up. There were obviously no emissions standards back in the day.
Read the article at:

Fountains for Peoria - Prototype

A few years ago I proposed Fountains shooting across the Illinois River from Peoria and East Peoria. Still a good idea if someone wealthy would like to finance a great symbol of the City.  The large fountains would cost about $500,000. The large ones would be turned on for major celebrations and perhaps every weekend evening at sunset. The smaller ones could run periodically every day.

In the meantime we built the fountains in Sarasota as a kind of prototype.

More info at:

Green Sense Radio Show

Green Sense Radio Show

Shrinking Cities Revisited
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Listen Now
High tech corridors in Silicon Valley, the Massachusetts 128 corridor and the financial district of New York attract investment and the brightest talent in the nation. But what about the Midwest and Great Lakes states? Many cities in these areas have been hollowed out as manufacturing jobs have left for foreign shores. The cities are left with vacant buildings, shrinking populations and big footprints resulting in a high per-capita cost to maintain aging infrastructure. We will explore how to right size a shrinking city and talk about an innovative approach called landbanking which allows a city to recapture these tax revert vacant properties and put them back to productive use.

Peoria Castle Lodge to Become a Supportive Living Facility

Central Illinois Perspective
InterBusiness Issues
art & society
Peoria Progress

News Correction

A press conference will be held on Tuesday, November 9th, to announce the purchase of the Peoria Castle Lodge, the former Jumer's building on Western Avenue. Petersen Health Care will announce the opening of Courtyard Estates of Peoria, a supportive living facility.

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