| | News Only One Week Left for Nominations! Nominations for the 17th annual 40 Leaders Under Forty awards celebration are now being accepted. Nominations must be received by 5pm, next Wednesday, September 15th. Visitpeoriamagazines.com and nominate a young leader today!
As demand at food pantries continues to rise, the 2010 United Way Day of Caring Food Drive will be held this Friday, September 10th. Most area pantries have experienced a more than 30 percent increase compared to two years ago. The Heart of Illinois United Way will be collecting food from 9am to 5pm at the Peoria Civic Center (parking lot) and Market Square in Pekin (corner of Court and Parkway) on September 10th. In addition, shoppers at HyVee can make donations on September 8th and 9th from 4 to 7pm and September 10th from 10am to 7pm. For more information, visit hoiunitedway.org/fooddrive.php. During September, Cold Stone Creamery locations will host a month-long fundraising celebration to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois.Throughout the month, every Cold Stone store will sell paper Wish Stars for $1 each to raise funds to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Eleven year-old wish kid Kate teamed up with Cold Stone to create her own ice cream creation, which will be given away from 5 to 8pm on September 30th in exchange for a donation to Make-A-Wish. Cold Stone is located at 7728 Grand Prairie Drive in Peoria at The Shoppes at Grand Prairie. Call 691-5630 for more info. | |
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| | Family Business in Peoria Check out the September issue of iBi, online atpeoriamagazines.com, or pick up your copy at one of these distribution locations. This is the second issue focused on family business in Peoria. We look at the stories of a variety of family businesses, including several that are more than a century old, and note their importance to the region. Now, you can "like" us on Facebook! Visit any of the articles below and leave a comment or share with your friends!
Illinois Mutual: A Century of Success Four generations of McCords have run Illinois Mutual since its founding 100 years ago in 1910. Michel A. McCord has been president of the company since 1990 and also serves as chairman of the board. Executive Vice President Katie McCord Jenkins, the fifth generation of family, is poised to help lead the company into its next 100 years. Stories of Resilience by Jan Wright, Publisher It’s said that family businesses are America’s economic engine. Considering that 80 to 90 percent of all U.S. businesses are family-owned or controlled, this is no exaggeration. Family Business in Peoria by Roberta Parks, Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce What do American Pest Control, Avanti’s, Lippmann’s Furniture, Jim Maloof Realtor, Fritch Heating & Cooling, South Side Bank & Trust, Beck’s Florist and Craig Upholstering have in common?
150 Years, One Family: Hagerty Brothers Co. by Amy Chovan In its 150 years of business, Hagerty Brothers has survived 16 official economic recessions. The company has stayed alive by reinventing themselves and adapting in challenging times. A Strong Foundation: Rothan Millwork Company by Scott Rogers and Jonathan Wright One hundred and thirty-seven years ago, Ulysses S. Grant was beginning his second term as president. A severe economic depression was spreading across the country, and a young millworker was laying down the roots of a company that would still be standing nearly a century and a half later. Built to Last: Potter & Anderson Jewelers by Amy Chovan After working at Crawford Jewelers in Peoria for two decades, Tom Potter and Gus Anderson decided to go into business together, opening Potter & Anderson Jewelers, on August 5, 1928, just one year before the stock market crash that led to the Great Depression.
A Way of Life: Fred’s Shoe Repair by Scott Rogers A throwback to an earlier time, Fred’s Shoe Repair keeps alive a trade that has practically been left to the dustbin of history. Experience a Family Legacy: Peoria Charter Coach by Sara Browning Peoria Charter Coach has brought joy, value and the best in quality service to travelers throughout central Illinois. Standing the Test of Time: Haddad’s Market by Amy Kennard In 1915, Joseph Haddad left his home in Lebanon to come to America to pursue a dream. He married Mary Siyman, and together they saved enough money to open their first grocery store. Loss Leads to New Strength: Ron’s Carpets by Scott Rogers For 18 years, the staff of Ron’s Carpets has served the flooring needs of central Illinois as a family, albeit not without some considerable hardships. Joining the Family Firm: Benckendorf & Benckendorf, P.C. by Amy Chovan What began as one man’s private law practice has become a family business now in its second generation.
Family Lines: Walz Label & Mailing and Walz Scale by Scott Rogers Brothers Nate and Matt Walz run the operations of two separate companies; at the head of each is their father, Tom Walz. Making a Business Their Own: Hearth & Patio by Amy Chovan Jerry Buysee purchased a local fireplace store in 2003, and together with his daughter, Tracy Sutherland, began making the business their own. The Business Of Family: The Murphy Law Group by Scott Rogers The Murphy Law Group is one family business whose business is family—its practice is dedicated to helping clients resolve thorny family law issues.
Ensuring You’re Covered: Fritch Heating & Cooling by Scott Rogers Founded in 1981, this business keeps an eye out for its family of customers. Getting Into IT: Web Tech Services by Amy Chovan Tammy Finch, founder of East Peoria’s Web Tech Services, didn’t plan on getting into the computer industry—it just kind of happened. Beating the Chains: Lindy’s Downtown Market by Scott Rogers One might envision Lindy’s as the classic mom-and-pop shop, the David struggling to fend off the corporate Goliaths. And so it is in many ways…yet Lindy’s is not struggling at all. A Successful Transfer: Fort Transfer by Jennifer Daly, Morton Economic Development Council Eight years ago, Roger Kahler’s son, Brad, returned to Morton to begin the process of taking over the reins of Fort Transfer. Coming Back Home: Craig Upholstering by Scott Rogers Like many essential services, upholstering is one that you never really think about until you need it. "Little People Become Big People": The Family Business from a Business Lawyer’s Perspective by Joseph B. VanFleet, VanFleet Law Offices One does not need to work in a family-owned business to appreciate their importance. Creating a Successful Transition: Strategies for Family-Owned Businesses by Michael Bass, McGladrey Getting a grasp on your business transition needs—and the many strategies available to you—will provide a framework for achieving your goals. Selling the Family-Owned Business by Steve Sink, Phoenix Affiliates Each succeeding generation has its own ideas about taking the company forward—or if it wants to join the family business at all. | |
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| EventsFriday, September 10th & Saturday, September 11th @ Illinois Central College The Central Illinois Green Expo will be held from 10am to 5pm on the 10th and from 9am to 5pm on the 11th. Learn more about energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable living. For more info, visit cigreenexpo.org. Friday, September 10th through Sunday, September 12th @ The Hayloft Shops The Hayloft Shops at Old Galena Road and Rt. 29 in Mossville will hold its annual art and craft fair from 10am to 5pm on Friday and Saturday, and noon to 5pm on Sunday. There will be more than 20 demonstrating craftsmen and artists at the fair. Call 679-3141 for more information. Saturday, September 11th @ Grandview Drive The Can Do 4:13 Scholarship Fund’s Can Do Walk & 5K will be held at 9am. The event is the main fundraiser for scholarships for Peoria Irving School students. Register online at cando413.com or on the morning of the event. Call 444-8001 for more information. Saturday, September 11th @ Holiday Inn City Centre The International Association of Administrative Professionals Illinois Division and the Tri-County Chapter present the 2010 professional enrichment program, “Don’t Kill Your Career – Expand Your Potential.” The educational program will take place from 8:45am to 3pm. Visit www.iaap-illinoisdivision.org for more information or call 208-9542. Saturday, September 11th @ Common Place Help give the gift of literacy by participating in Common Place’s 24th annual Walk for Reading event. The walk will begin at Common Place, 514 S. Shelley Street, with registration at 8am. Visit commonplacepeoria.org for more info. Saturday, September 11th @ Contemporary Art Center of Peoria A combined opening reception will be held from 6:30 to 8:30pm for the following exhibits: Self-Starting Artists – Visual Horizons, curated by Preston Jackson; Vesna Jovanovic: ceramic sculpture and drawings; and Natalie Jackson O’Neal: Landscape Preservation. The event features excerpts from Little Shop of Horrors by Bradley University Theater. Free admission/donation requested. Call 674-6822 for more info. Saturday, September 11th @ Sassy Lady Sassy Lady Boutique, 4111 N. Prospect in Peoria Heights, will present a seminar that explores the different body types of women, how to dress for your body type, proportion in dress and fashion. The seminar will take place at 11am and again at 2pm. Call 691-9633 for more information. Saturday, September 11th @ Peoria Civic Center WorldFest 2010, a celebration of the many ethnic groups in central Illinois, will be held from 10am to 4pm in Exhibit Hall D, and the Central Illinois Black Expo will be held in Exhibit Halls A and B from 11am to 7pm. Parking and admission are free. For more info, visit peoriaciviccenter.com. Sunday, September 12th @ June Restaurant An Earth’s Table Dinner to benefit the Sun Foundation’s children’s programs will be held, with social hour and live music at 5:30 and dinner at 6pm. The feast will celebrate organic, sustainable ingredients. Visit sunfoundation.org for reservations or call 246-8403. Monday, September 13th @ Peoria NEXT Innovation Center Central Illinois Angels presents “Trends in Raising Capital: Preparing for Successful Financing,” a new three-hour workshop that explores market trends in raising capital and the best and worst practices of companies looking for funding. The workshop takes place from 1 to 4pm and will be followed by a brief reception. Visitcentralillinoisangels.com or call 495-5925 for more information. Tuesday, September 14th @ Bradley University The Executive Development Center at Bradley will host “High Performance Retailing and Small Business Marketing” from 8 to 11am in the Michel Student Center Ballroom. Call 888-409-4740 or visit bradley.edu/edc for more info. Wednesday, September 15th @ Doubletree Hotel, Bloomington The Central Illinois Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals will present a Fundraising Basics 101 course from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Call 242-3960 for more information. Wednesday, September 15th @ Childers Banquet Facility The first annual Waffles & Wings Southern Luncheon “Peoria Style” fundraiser will be held at noon at Childers, 3113 Dries Lane in Peoria, to raise awareness of the Stuff-a-Bus campaign for the Peoria Friendship House. Visit peoriafriendshiphouse.org or call 679-8138 for more information. | |
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