Market Research Update

In and Near Downtown Peoria Housing

Good news:

The link below is the update on the in and near downtown housing market research from Tracy Cross, the premier housing market research firm in Illinois.

More info below:


  1. I'll give you an " A+ " for your efforts! ALL of this mentioned is nice. But, it's obvious that no developers are interested in constructing new housing in Peoria's downtown or Warehouse District. Past, city council and development, officials should have been more strictly adamant about enforcing this sort of development for our downtown and older neighborhoods, instead of approving tax breaks and the zoning for countless shopping centers.

    There are better ways, commonly negotiated in larger cities, that are mutually-beneficial to cities that are, also, less destructive of it's tax base. New York City, for example, has done it for years. Peoria has, since the 1980's, " created a monster " by offering endless tax incentives at great expense to our city's and it's school district's coffers.

  2. Stay tuned. Rome was not built in a day, and the Heart of Peoria won't be rebuilt in a short time either. But there are lots of developers kicking the tires, and some very nice new developments will take place as we come out of this recession.

  3. " I hope You're right! " Peoria's losing ground against many U.S. cities, it's size and smaller, in terms of new (urban) residences.


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