Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and MySpace

I have been using Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace to market the City of Peoria, and to get the word out about the great opportunities available for development and redevelopment. It is a free way to tell people our story. And the price is right - Free. We like Free.
I use a counter on some of my blogs, so I have an idea about how many people read it. And I use it a great deal when someone calls me with questions about Peoria. I simply tell them to go to my master blog,
and click on an entry that interests them or that they want to discuss.
Then we can discuss. They don't need to take copious confusing notes about our programs - they can read about the Enterprise Zone or TIF on line.
I have been at the blogging business much longer than the other programs, and know the most about that. Blogging about your organization is of course somewhat risky - you always have the chance of offending someone. But the medium also lets you talk a little more directly to citizens. You can put a little more of your personality and humor into the blog - the City Web Site is of course invaluable, but it takes some time to get content on the site.
Citizens will of course be talking and blogging about you and your government. By getting the word out yourself you can provide the straight scoop, at least as you know it.
I am learning on the job with the other programs. They reach a somewhat different market, and so are worth pursuing.
How much time do I devote to these blogs? About 10 minutes a day. So it does not take much time. And if I land one more redevelopment of our inner city as a result of this effort, it will be time well spent.
Master Blog Address - All My blogs are listed in the link below
Revolving Loan Fund
The City’s revolving loan fund began in 1988 with a grant from the Federal Economic Develiopment Agency (EDA) in the amount of $500,000, with a match of $269,232 from the City’s capital funds. This $769,232.00 has been used to leverage $23,013,806 in private investment in the City and has resulted in the City loaning a total of $3,477,966.50 over the past 20 years to 40 businesses.
Borrowers report that 604 jobs have been created initially and 1,278 have been retained as a result of the City’s Business development fund. Of course if the business is successful more jobs were subsequently created. The fund currently recapitalizes at approximately $22,122.25 per month. The interest rate on each loan is 4% below the prime rate on the date of approval, with a minimum rate of 4%.
More info at:
Look under incentives
Here are a variety of resources we encourage you to share with your business community:
1) Introductory video explaining Local Business Center and how to sign up:
2) A printable PDF postcard for distribution to business owners.
3) An online resource center with FAQs and step by step sign up instructions:
4) A written description of Local Business Center to customize and
include in your next newsletter (below):
"How does free, no-strings-attached promotion on Google sound to you? Sign up right now for Google's Local Business Center. Local Business Center allows business owners to control their online listing on Google Maps, the #1 online mapping service in the world. By visiting Local Business Center onlinez:

Retirement homes in conjunction with Universities have become increasingly common. The housing can be privately developed, with alumni and retired faculty targeted as purchasers. A number of programs have been developed where private developers work with Universities to market retirement communities to alumni. The involvement of the University can be minimal, but usually involves letting their alumni know about the proposed development and conducting a survey to find out what type of homes they prefer.
Federal Stimulus for Economic Development

IEDC Stimulus Act Alert: EDA Funding Now Available
On Tuesday, March 10, the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced the availability of funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.
Urgent: Applications are accepted on a continuing basis and processed as received. In addition, preference will be given to activities that can be started and completed quickly, including a goal of using at least 50 percent of the funds for activities that can be initiated not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of the Act (February 17, 2009).
A summary of EDA’s announcement is below, intended to help you and your community partners act quickly on this opportunity. Please read the full announcement on EDA’s website (PDF) if you plan to apply for funding.
ARRA appropriated $150 million for the EDA American Recovery Program. EDA is soliciting applications through its Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance programs only. Applications may be submitted electronically in accordance with the instructions provided at www.grants.gov or mailed to the applicable EDA regional office.
Priority Considerations and Requirements Under ARRA: EDA will give priority consideration to applications that will significantly benefit regions “that have experienced sudden and severe economic dislocation and job loss due to corporate restructuring.”
EDA will evaluate applications according to the following investment policy guidelines and funding priorities. Applications should strongly exemplify at least one of each.
• Investment Policy Guidelines:
• Be market-based and results driven
• Have strong organizational leadership
• Advance productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship
• Look beyond the immediate economic horizon, anticipate economic changes, and diversify the local and regional economy
• Demonstrate a high degree of local commitment
• Funding Priorities:
• Investments in support of long-term, coordinated and collaborative regional economic development approaches
• Investments that support innovation and competitiveness
• Investments that encourage entrepreneurship
• Investments that support strategies that link regional economies with the global marketplace
Additional consideration will be given to applications that assist BRAC-impacted communities; those that link historic preservation and economic development; and those that support the economic revitalization of brownfields.
Limit on Use of Funds: Funds may not be used for any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, or swimming pool.
“Buy American” Restrictions and Davis-Bacon Wage Rate Requirements. ARRA-funded projects for public buildings or public works “[must use] iron, steel, and manufactured goods…produced in the United States.” The legislation allows for a waiver of this requirement under circumstances outlined in the full announcement. As with all EDA investments in public works, economic adjustment assistance, and revolving loan fund (RLF) projects that finance construction, awards under this competitive solicitation will be subject to Davis-Bacon wage rate requirements.
Award Information: Of the total $150 million available, $50 million will be allocated for economic adjustment assistance; EDA will allocate the remaining $100 million to either the Public Works and Economic Development Facilities Program or the Economic Adjustment Assistance Program, depending the needs demonstrated among EDA’s six regional offices.
• Public Works and Economic Development Facilities Program: Supports the construction or rehabilitation of essential public infrastructure and facilities necessary to generate or retain private sector jobs and investments, attract private sector capital, and promote regional competitiveness, including investments that expand and upgrade infrastructure to attract new industry, support technology-led development, accelerate new business development, and enhance the ability of regions to capitalize on opportunities presented by free trade.
• Economic Adjustment Assistance Program: Provides a wide range of technical, planning and infrastructure assistance (including assistance to establish RLFs) in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or over time.
Eligible Applicants: Nearly any public entity, educational institution or nonprofit organization engaged in economic development, or consortia thereof, may apply. For-profit, private-sector entities and individuals do not qualify for investment assistance.
Economic Distress Criteria: Potential applicants are responsible for demonstrating to EDA the nature and level of economic distress in the region in which the proposed project will be located. For a Public Works or an Economic Adjustment investment, the project must be located in a region that meets one (or more) of the following economic distress criteria: (i) an unemployment rate that is, for the most recent 24-month period for which data are available, at least 1 percentage point greater than the national average unemployment rate; (ii) per capita income that is, for the most recent period for which data are available, 80 percent or less of the national average per capita income; or (iii) a “Special Need” (see criteria below). The full funding announcement (PDF) details the data sources EDA uses to determine economic distress.
Special Need Criteria: A project is eligible pursuant to a “Special Need” if the project is located in a region that meets one of the criteria described below:
1. Closure or restructuring of industrial firms or loss of a major employer essential to the regional economy.
2. Substantial out-migration or population loss.
3. Underemployment, meaning employment of workers at less than full-time or at less skilled tasks than their training or abilities permit.
4. Military base closures or realignments, defense contractor reductions-in-force, or Department of Energy defense-related funding reductions.
5. Natural or other major disasters or emergencies, including terrorist attacks.
6. Extraordinary depletion of natural resources.
7. Communities undergoing transition of their economic base as a result of changing trade patterns.
8. Other special need, as determined by the Assistant Secretary.
Cost Sharing or Matching Share Requirement: Generally, the amount of the EDA grant may not exceed 50 percent of the total project cost. Projects may receive an additional amount not to exceed 30 percent, based on the relative needs of the region in which the project will be located. EDA will give preference to applications that include cash contributions (over in-kind contributions) as the matching share.
Additional information: Applicant eligibility, program objectives and priorities, application procedures, evaluation criteria, selection procedures, and other requirements for all programs are set forth in EDA’s regulations, available at www.eda.gov/InvestmentsGrants/Lawsreg.xml.
About EDA: EDA provides financial assistance to distressed communities in both urban and rural regions. Such distress may exist in a variety of forms, including high levels of unemployment, low income levels, large concentrations of low-income families, significant declines in per capita income, large numbers (or high rates) of business failures, sudden major layoffs or plant closures, trade impacts, military base closures, natural or other major disasters, depletion of natural resources, reduced tax bases, or substantial loss of population because of the lack of employment opportunities. EDA’s experience has shown that regional economic development to help alleviate these conditions is effected primarily through investments and decisions made by the private sector.
Wikapedia on Peoria

Good Scoop From DCEO
Information from The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)
Regional Feature
IMEC launches Next Generation Manufacturing Study
A ground breaking research study to assess the progress of state's manufacturers in adopting strategies to win in the global economy was launched today by IMEC. The study is part of a national survey being sponsored by the American Small Manufacturers Coalition as a first step in a long-term effort to help Illinois and all U.S. manufacturers to weather today's recession and improve manufacturing competitiveness over the next decade. The web-based Next Generation Manufacturing Study questionnaire can be accessed at
Study to Measure Progress on Adopting World-Class Strategies
Customer-focused innovation, advanced talent management, systematic continuous improvement, extended enterprise management, sustainable product development, global engagement. Strategies that forward-thinking manufacturers will deploy to weather the current downturn and position for success in the future.
The question: How prepared are Illinois companies to meet these challenges?...more
Stimulus Package Website Launched by Governor Quinn
Governor Pat Quinn has launched Recovery.Illinois.gov, a website created to help ensure that Illinois takes full advantage of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act."Our recovery team is ready to carry out the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act here in Illinois," said Governor Quinn. The new website, Recovery.Illinois.gov, is the portal to Illinois' implementation of the federal stimulus plan and will:
Keep track of projects, spending and job creation; List state run programs receiving supplemental funding including unemployment benefits, food stamps, vocational rehabilitation and other services; Connect to agency sites where proposed project lists will be posted as they become available; and Allow Illinoisans to suggest a project that is eligible for federal stimulus funds. "We are moving as quickly as possible to get projects going so that we can get the people of Illinois back to work," said Governor Quinn. "This website will help them learn about important programs and track our progress."
DCEO Economic Stimulus Website
The DCEO Economic Stimulus Website is now available at
This site will soon display information on DCEO's part in the Economic Stimulus Plan.
The IEN Weekly Connection
February 17, 2009...more
February 23, 2009...more
March 02, 2009...more
The IEN Monthly Connection...more
SBDC Network Connection Newsletter
ASBDC Board Chair Testifies Before House Small Business Committee
The House Small Business Committee chaired by Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez held a hearing February 11, 2009 on "The State of SBA's Entrepreneurial Development Programs and Their Role in Promoting an Economic Recovery." ASBDC Board Chair Jerry Cartwright testified at the hearing on behalf of the association. Also testifying was Carol Greg, a client of the Missouri Small Business Development Center Network...more
Get Connected!
Illinois WorkNet Center
Everybody should use Illinois workNet, Job Seekers, employees and businesses alike.
INDIVIDUALS should use Illinois workNet; Illinois workNet helps individuals connect to potential employers through online resources.
EMPLOYEES should use Illinois workNet; Employees can connect to job skills, training and continuing education programs to strengthen their skills.
EMPLOYERS should use Illinois workNet; Strengthen your workforce today! Fill your job openings with individuals from the community and throughout the state.
LWIA Regional Sites
Obtain information on your LWIA Regional Sites at http://www2.ildceonet/lwiamap/lwiamap.htm
Patriot Express Loans Top $250 Million to Veterans
In just 20 months, the U.S. Small Business Administration's Patriot Express Pilot Loan Initiative has approved more than $250 million in loan guarantees to nearly 2,900 veterans and their spouses who are using the SBA-guaranteed funds to establish and expand their small businesses. Loan amounts have averaged around $88,000 per loan. Some 15 % of the loans have gone to military spouses...more
National Ombudsman Assists Small Businesses with Federal Regulatory Enforcement Actions
When America's small businesses face unfair or excessive federal regulatory enforcement actions, the Office of the National Ombudsman at the U.S. Small Business Administration is available to ensure fairness in the enforcement process...more
SBA Warns of Fraudulent Attempts to Obtain Bank Account Information from Small Businesses
Contact Us:
John Whalen
Regional Manager
3201 CIRCA Dr. Ste. 203
Bloomington, IL 61704
Phone; 309-663-7528
Fax: 309-663-8130
Cell: 309-830-8458
Anthony Rolando
Business Relationship Manager Canton City Hall
2 North Main Street, First Floor
Canton, Illinois 61520
Pekin Office-Pekin City Hall
111 S. Capitol
Pekin, Illinois 61554
Phone: 309-647-5896
Fax: 309-647-9325
Mobile: 309-338-4191
Scott Petty
Business Relationship Manager
100 S.W. Water Street
Peoria, IL 61602
Phone: 309-676-5704
Fax 309-676-5703
Mobile 309-264-7553
Links for You:
Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity:
DCEO Business Development:
Location One
DCEO LWIA & Workforce Development
Illinois Entrepreneurship
Illinois Clean Energy Foundation
Illinois Department of Transportation:
Projects by District
Illinois Depart of Agriculture
Il Treasurer - Programs and Services
United States-Environmental Protection Agency Website
Federal Business Opportunities
The SBA issued a scam alert to small businesses warning them not to respond to letters falsely claiming to have been sent by the SBA asking for bank account information in order to qualify them for federal tax rebates...more
Latest Issue of The Small Business Advocate
The Small Business Advocate is a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter that details economic developments and regulatory trends related to small business as well as the latest initiatives of the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy. Click here to read the latest issue.To learn more about SBA's programs and services to help your business start, grow and succeed, go to www.sba.gov.
Economic Recovery Package Contains Key Small Business Assistance
The Economic Recovery Package includes the following provisions aimed at assisting small businesses: Temporary SBA Fee Relief, Temporary Increase in SBA Guarantee Levels, Business Stabilization Program, Microloans, SBA Secondary Market Stimulus, Small Business Venture Capital Stimulus, Surety Bond Stimulus, Oversight and Implementation of Stimulus Measures and Small Business Tax Relief. To access a press release from the Senate Small Business Committee highlighting small business provisions of the economic stimulus package, click here.
Surviving the Audit--Tax Talk Free Webinar
Although no phrase may strike more fear in a taxpayer than the dreaded "IRS Audit", the prospect of an IRS audit need not paralyze small businesses and the tax professionals who assist them.
Learn how
to prepare for what to expect during an audit by tuning into the IRS March Tax Talk Today program"Surviving the IRS Audit" on Tuesday, March 10th at 1:00 p.m. The program will include what happens before, during and after the audit. As always, this webinar is FREE.
To access the webcast at no charge, viewers can register online at Tax Talk Today at www.taxtalktoday.com. To get the latest IRS information and learn about IRS products and services as they become available, start your free subscription to e-News for Small Businesses. Just go to www.irs.gov to register.
Illinois SBDC's to Celebrate 25 Years
The Illinois Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is celebrating 25 years of serving small businesses and entrepreneurs. It was May 4, 1984 when the U.S. Small Business Administration certified the Illinois SBDC into the national program...more
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) will realize a substantial increase in federal infrastructure funding as a result of the federal economic recovery package recently approved by President Obama. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Act) includes significant funding for two State Revolving Fund loan programs currently administered by the IEPA, and the Agency will administer available funds under those programs: the Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP), providing assistance for wastewater projects and the Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP), providing assistance for drinking water projects...more
IEPA Stimulus Funding Fact Sheet...more
State Regulatory News
Following are proposed rules of possible interest to small businesses. During the 45-day comment period, individuals have an opportunity to express their support or opposition to the rule.
The Carnival and Amusement Safety Board proposed an amendment which will impact carnival owners and operators operating within the State of Illinois. To read more, click here.
The Department of Central Management Services proposed an amendment which will impact all businesses seeking to do or who are currently doing business with the State of Illinois. The rulemaking provides supplemental information regarding registration requirements and requirements regarding the submission of bids/proposals and contracts. To learn more, click here.
The Family and Medical Leave Act Has New Notice
Recent amendments to the FMLA were enacted on January 28, 2008 to provide two new leave entitlements to eligible specified family members: (1) Up to 12 weeks of leave for qualifying exigencies arising out of a covered family member's active military duty, and
(2) Up to 26 weeks of leave in a single 12-month period to care for a covered service member recovering from a serious illness or injury. Eligible employees are entitled to a combined total of up to 26 weeks of all types of FMLA leave. The law was in effect January 28th, 2008 and the new federal poster has been released. To get your copy of the poster, click here.
To submit comments or to learn more about the proposed rules, contact Katy Khayyat at the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Entrepreneurship Network Information Center via e-mail at Katy.Khayyat@Illinois.gov or call (800) 252-2923 or (217) 785-8020.
Federal Regulatory News
Employers Must Use New I-9 Form by April 3, 2009
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced it has delayed until April 3, 2009, the implementation of an interim final rule entitled "Documents Acceptable for Employment Eligibility Verification". The rule streamlines the Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) process. USCIS has reopened the public comment period for 30 days, until March 4, 2009.
(Employers must complete a Form I-9 for all newly hired employees to verify their identity and authorization to work in the United States.) The interim final rule will amend regulations governing the types of acceptable identity and employment authorization documents employees may present to their employers for completion of the Form I-9. Under the interim rule, employers will no longer be able to accept expired documents to verify employment authorization on the Form I-9.
A new I-9 form is being issued which employers must use when the interim rule takes effect on April 3, 2009. Employers will be required to use the new I-9 form, and accept only those documents listed on the new form. Employers who continue using the old I-9 form after 4/3/09 - for new hires or reverifications - will be subject to civil money penalties.
The interim final rule and an informational copy of the revised Form I-9 are available for public comment at www.regulations.gov.
USEPA Programs that Implement the Recovery Act
- Brownfields program will issue competitive grants to evaluate and clean up former industrial and commercial sites.
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds will issue funds to help communities with water quality and wastewater infrastructure needs and drinking water infrastructure needs. A portion of the funding will be targeted toward green infrastructure, water and energy efficiency, and environmentally innovative projects...more
USDA is accepting applications for grants through the Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) Grant Program to provide access to education, training and healthcare resources in rural areas
In 2008, USDA Rural Development provided grants totaling $28.2 million under the program to 105 recipients in 41 states.
To be eligible, your organization must:
1. Deliver or propose to deliver distance learning or telemedicine services for the term of the grant.
2. Be an incorporated organization or partnership... with the legal capacity to contract with the United States Government.
3. Operate a rural community facility or deliver distance learning or telemedicine services to entities that operate a rural community facility...
For more information on this grant, visit http://www.usda.gov/rus/telecom/dlt/dlt.htm
Or contact:
David Noll -- david.noll@wdc.usda.gov -- (202) 720-0413 Gary Allan -- gary.allan@wdc.usda.gov -- (202) 720-0413
Complete applications must be received by March 24.
2009 DLT Toolkit
2009 DLT Application Guide
The Illinois Association of Minorities in Government (IAMG) is sponsoring its 21st Annual State of the State Training Conference
Wednesday, April 29 through Friday, May 1, 2009.
The conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel, 700 East Adams Street, Springfield, Illinois, 62701. The theme for this year's conference is, "Empowering Our Members: Reclaiming Our Vision."...more
Benchmarking Your Company Against The Industry
March 10, 2009 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
How is my company doing compared to others in my industry? In this seminar, you will learn where to find financial comparisons for your industry and how to use them to assess your own financial performance. Unlock the hidden information contained in financial statements that will enable you to make better management decisions. What will happen to my profits if costs increase suddenly or sales decline? Find out how to calculate your "break even point" and how to determine the additional sales needed when your costs increase. This seminar will help you spot changes necessary to avoid future "profit drains" on your business.
Registration info
Eliminating Cash Flow Bottlenecks
March 17, 2009 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
How long can we hold on if sales decline? Can I afford to expand my business, and is now the right time? If I'm making profit, why don't I have any cash? Can I afford to buy this machine, hire that person, or borrow more money? These and other questions will be answered in this seminar on managing cash flow. Understanding the cost/volume/profit relationship is essential in maintaining profitability. Discover how to develop a simple, effective cash budget for your business and make adjustments needed to avoid running out of cash. Find out where the cash bottlenecks are in your business and how to eliminate them.
Registration info
Secrets of Effective Employee Interviewing
March 24, 2009 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Your employees are critical to the success of your business, yet hiring quality employees can be difficult. This class session will help you hire the right employees. Discover how to screen job applicants and conduct interviews, including the questions you may and may not ask. Learn and practice a number of interviewing, testing, demonstration and questioning techniques to help you make better hiring decisions. Explore the right way to use resumes and applications in the screening process, and how to properly document the selection decision.
Registration info
Employee Performance Management &
Creating Employee Handbooks
March 31, 2009 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
Effectively monitoring and managing employee performance will protect the human resource investment in your employees and reduce turnover. Learn how to properly conduct and document employee evaluations and disciplinary actions, including what you should and should not place in employee personnel files. Discover tips on reducing your unemployment insurance costs. One of the most overlooked ways a company can protect itself from employment related litigation is to have a well designed employee handbook. The average cost of a "wrongful termination" lawsuit is over $250,000 today. In this session, learn what you should and should not include in employee handbooks. Discover how a good handbook can reduce unemployment, taxes, and other costs, while encouraging worker productivity.
Registration info
Upcoming Small Business Events
The Illinois Small Business Economic Recovery Forum --March 24, 2009 at Navy Pier
The Illinois Small Business Economic Recovery Forum will be held on Tuesday, March 24th at Navy Pier in Chicago. Plan on attending this event for information and networking. Learn first-hand, from the experts who know, how to access capital for your business; identify, complete the paperwork and navigate the federal, state and local contract opportunities being made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. For event registration, visit www.IL-Economic-Recovery.us or call (312) 353-4599; (312) 353-4385 or (312) 353-4519...more
This blog was created to Plan the Planet. It is a work in progress - please click here if you wish to propose changes or additions or ask q...
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This artificial island is established in a detention pond. The plants will filter and improve water quality. The island is already providi...