Two meetings have been set for the public to consider the potential "Green Edge" plan, where a new road and housing would be added to the Peoria River and Lakefront from north of the Riverplex to War Memorial Drive.
Environmental Groups Jan 23, 2008 Wednesday 5:00 pm Room 420 Twin Towers, 456 Fulton St.
Neighborhood drop in and discussions Feburary 6, 2008 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Room 404 of the City Hall 419 Fulton St.
The purpose of the meeetings are to discuss with Peoria citizens potential plans for the redevelopment of property along the Illinois River in the Heart of Peoria. The concept plans can be viewed further down on this blog and at:
or at the Economic Development office on the 4th floor of city hall
Rivers Edge Redelopment Initiative
Green Edge Plan
River Trail Drive Concept Plan, Alternatives 1, 2 3
Nothing is determined at this point. Citizen input will be important for the City to decide whether to take any action. Alternatives for the city owned property between the Riverplex and Spring Street developed to date include.
1. Take no action - leave Riverfront as is
2. Add a River Trail Drive to improve access and views of the River and Park
3. Add a River Trail Drive with housing on the side away from the River and Park, protecting views and improving access, and assisting in the redevelopment of the Heart of Peoria. Develop new park land to replace the land used for the development as shown on Alt 3.
The Green Edge Plan covers the area above, plus all the way north to War Memorial Drive. This plan has been submitted to the City Planning Commission and Department for consideration for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan.
Green Edge - Potential Plan
The proposed Green Edge Plan for Peoria envisions a gradual conversion of the existing industrial edge along the River to green park space and new urban development. The City has created a great Riverfront Park in downtown. This park system could be extended north and south where feasible. A road could be extended along this park, with new residential development on the side away from the River. The River side would be kept clear of development, providing access and views of the park and River.
This is only a proposal at this time, and has not been fully considered or acted on by the City or Park District. These preliminary concepts are presented to the public for their review and input. Your thoughts and concerns can be made to Craig Hullinger at Hullingerc@gmail.com , or 309 494-8639.
More information at:
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